
From the birth of the idea within the walls of a prestigious research institute up to the founding of our innovative startup: every single step of our journey is guided by our passion to innovate and to improve healthcare.

2024 | Soundsafe Care - For a safe and sound surgical care
  1. Research starts


    The idea of combining ultraound and robotics is born at the BioRobotics Institute of Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna.

  2. First prototypes


    Thanks to European grants and fundings, a preliminary prototype is created and extensively validated in laboratory condition.

  3. Innovation awards


    Our research pathway is crowned with three innovation awards and several articles published in prestigious scientific journals.

  4. Preclinical validation


    According to a protocol approved by the Italian Ministry of Health, the safety and efficacy of the device are validated in-vivo on an animal model.

  5. Technology incubation


    We are selected to join RoboIT, the first National Technology Transfer Hub dedicated to robotics and automation, launched by CDP Venture Capital. This also turns into pre-seed funding that boosts technological advancement and allows the defense of the intellectual property underlying the technology.

  6. Company incorporation


    In May 2023, the innovative startup Soundsafe Care Srl is founded, simultaneously closing a seed round of 1.75 million euros that is aimed at supporting a first entry into the veterinary market (expected in 2025). The company is also selected for acceleration in the imec.istart program (classified as the number one start-up accelerator in the world according to UBI Global) and opens an operational unit at Polo Tecnologico di Navacchio (MIMIT certified incubator).

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